Monday, July 11, 2011

Giving Yourself a Pat on the Back

Have you ever caught yourself saying "oh, I JUST ran 4 miles today" to a nonrunner and gotten a reaction like "JUST 4 miles?! I couldn't even walk one!"
Or how about beating yourself up because you ran at an 8 minute pace instead of 7:45?
OR how about becoming so used to running longer distances that you no longer take pride in running 7 or 8 or 9 miles?
I was thinking about that today when I was running, and thought you know what? No one should down play their accomplishments like that. There are people out there that never will walk a mile, or run 7, or run a mile at an 8 minute pace.
Sure, running is something that anyone can get good at with practice and dedication, but a lot of people just aren't that dedicated to running. It takes a special kind of person to be a runner, or biker, or walker, or whatever your sport is.
I came to the conclusion that everyone should be PROUD of what they accomplish. Stop being hubble, and admit it...YOU KICK ASS! You are doing something that most people will never do.
So next time you catch yourself saying "oh no big deal I just did a small 3 mile run" or "10 miles is nothing compared to the 26.2 Im training for", stop yourself and say I ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING GREAT TODAY, SOMETHING I AM PROUD OF!
So follow the lead of these peeps, and pat yourself on the back for something that you accomplished today!

Image from Sax Angle
Pat on the back
Image from Experiance life fully

Speaking of something to be proud of...I officially achieved a PERSONAL DISTANCE record on my long run today with a total of 15 MILES!
I followed what I have learned so far through training and fueled myself well before the run, brought along water and GU for during the run, and stretched and recovered after the run. I also started out at a slow comfortable pace for the first half and then kicked it up into gear for the last half. And it felt great!!!
I ended up running the 15 miles in an average pace of 8:36 with a time of 2:08. Here are the splits:
Mile 1: 8:41
Mile 2:  8:33
Mile 3: 8:30
Mile 4: 8:41
Mile 5: 8:10
Mile 6: 8:40
Mile 7: 8:45
Mile 8: 8:15
Mile 9: 8:00
Mile 10: 8:05
Mile 11: 8:12
Mile 12: 8:01
Mile 13: 8:05
Mile 14: 8:30
Mile 15: 8:42
Now its time to ice up and shower...I have the whole day off so I'm thinking SHOPPING! :)
So now I want to hear from you...WHAT ARE YOU PATTING YOURSELF ON THE BACK FOR TODAY? Go on, brag a little!


  1. I totally do that all the time and I love the reactions I get from people who don't run at all and then it reminds me to be proud of what I just did!
    I'm planning a 5 mile run tonight! That's my braggin!

  2. Ahh I love this. I am not a "runner" for I only run 3 milers here and there (is this going against your post?? ha) Although I am proud of myself at then end of all my runs because I know that I am bettering myself each run.

    YOU on the other hand..kick ass!! Great job on the 15miler wowza!

    I am patting myself on the back for the compliments I continuously received at work today for my hard work. A little compliment goes a long way!

  3. Nice job on the 15 miles! The furthest I've ever gone is 13. That's impressive.
